100% Renewable Heating & Cooling for a Sustainable Future

15oct14 h 00 min17 h 30 min100% Renewable Heating & Cooling for a Sustainable FutureThe 2020 edition

Event Details

The 2020 edition of the 100% Renewable Heating and Cooling for a Sustainable Future – 100% RHC Event, will take place online on the 15th October 2020, from 2 pm to 5.30 pm (CET).

The RHC annual conference was meant to be organised during ISEC 2020. Since this conference has been postponed due to COVID-19 (more information can be found here), the RHC ETIP Secretariat and ISEC co-organisers have decided to join forces later in 2021 and keep the RHC ETIP’s 100% RHC Event as an independent online event in 2020.

Why joining?

The 100% RHC EVENT is the perfect occasion to present RHC ETIP’s upcoming publication, the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for the RHC sector – SRIA. This document will be the backbone of the 100% RHC Event 2020, which will include:

  • A keynote speech from RHC ETIP’s Chair, Javier Urchueguía
  • A panel discussion on innovative technology developments for a 100% RHC sector: the opportunity to discuss about how the RHC ETIP imagines a 2050 scenario based on 100% renewable heating and cooling in buildings, cities, districts and industry, and what are the needs from the research and innovation field to reach this target.
  • A national roundtable: representatives from different sectors of an EU member state will exchange their views on how the target of a 100% renewable heating and cooling future is being approached in that country.



15 October 2020 14 h 00 min - 17 h 30 min(GMT+00:00)



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