Ecoregion Nyborg, Denmark
Nyborg region
New opportunities
- Use Industrial waste heat to reduce natural gas consumption in nearby industrial sites (process to process)
- Use industrial waste heat for heating existing and perhaps expanding nearby greenhouse areas.
- Extend the DH network to natural gas areas and to nearby villages.
- Connect the Nyborg DH network to the very large (10 PJ/y) Fjernvarme Fyn DH network which is partly based on coal fired CHP.
Furthermore, the opportunities of district cooling for both industrial sites, business parks and other buildings with the need of comfort cooling will be investigated.
The stakeholders and their willingness
The industrial site managers and other stakeholders in the Nyborg region are interested in further cooperation and has earlier shown interest in the creation of an Industrial Symbiosis in Nyborg. The Nyborg region is dense in private companies. Within a 2 km radius more than 450 companies and institutions are located. Not all of these companies are directly relevant for energy cooperation, although almost all of them are connected to the DH network.
The main stakeholders
- The municipality of Nyborg (including the head of business development Babak Djarahi);
- The DH company of Nyborg (NFS, 0,8 PJ/y);
- A major incineration plant for most of Denmark dangerous waste;
- An incineration plant for MSW;
- 4 large food industries some with own greenhouseareas for vegetable production;
- A whiskey distillation plant;
- Metal and plastic production companies;
- Business parks.
Yes, we believe in energy cooperation
Our business park is going the extra mile on energy cooperation. We are happy to share our best practices and learn from other parks around Europe.